Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Balance between security and Freedom

there is a big difference between security and freedom.... freedom is something that you can stretch and do what you feel and what you want to is something that controls to much freedom...but in all cases there has to be a balance between the two or the world would be like a rollercoaster ride...the balance has to be the same on both sides so that we can be free and do what we like with the right boundaries guiding us...Security should only be there when freedom gets out of control but security should never try to out rule freedom...Freedom is something that was given to us...written in the constitution and agreed by the on the other hand was more recommended then given...Security is something that is put in malls so that are safety is ensured to the people in the mall.... but freedom was willingly given to us and for us to chose how we want to use our obviously we need security for people who think that freedom is a gift instead of a privledge...That's why we have jails so that the people who think that its a free country with no rules then thats just stupid...i think that our security is our laws...and that when you do cross those laws then the punishment you get for it is well deserved unless the punishment is too harsh...i think that the punishment should match the crime... i mean there are some people who use freedom as an excuse just to get out of someting stupid... like if you do something to someone and they dont approve and they tell you to do something and then you go "it's a free country" then that just doesnt make any sense...the security and freedom in itslef balance eachother out just becasue of the definitions are the complete opposite... i mean Freedom means to be free no restrictions...and Secutrity means the exact this is what i think that the balance between freedom and security is

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

I respect this amendment and think that it has a big role in our society and I think that to a certain extent that they actually do follow through with this amendment and the fact that we have a certain amount of room for freedom of speech because if we were free then we would have the right to stand outside like criminal acts and say that this is wrong with out cops coming and telling us that we cant.... I really strongly believe in the religious one that they cannot base anything on one religion because then that would affect the whole freedom speech and would totally contrdict what is said in the rest of the amendment...

This picture represents rebellion because it looks like they are fighting for something that they believe in and are fighting against something....It almost looks like they're in a prison and are coming together to rebell against something bigger than them...


  1. What are the extremes to habeus corpeus?
  2. Does everybody in the FBI believe in the rule to do anything to get information out of the suspect or the person that they are charging?
  3. What happenes when they find out that the person is in fact innocent?
  4. When they take the person of charge do they inform the family so that they know where they are?

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Military Commissions Act

Watch this video, come up with two questions for the speaker, and post them on your individual blog.

Friday, October 12, 2007


Friday, October 5, 2007

What are today's modern day 'Scarlet Letters'?

Read the short article "Ingenious Punishments— Their Object All Sublime: A Vogue for Shaming Wrongdoers" and consider the following questions in a blog entry: What types of 'immoral' behaviors are frowned upon by modern American society? What are the punishments for those behaviors? What should they be?

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Planned Parenthood & Aloha Pregnancy Care

Planned Parenthood and Aloha Pregnancy Care came to our large class and talked to us about their purposes and their points of view on abortion, stem-cell research, abstinence and same sex marriage.

I like Planned Parenthood's idea on things. Planned Parenthood is a pro-choice organization. I full pro-choice. They think that sexuality is health and everyone should be respected equal no matter gay, straight or bisexual. That means they are for same sex marriage. Everyone should be entitled to fall in love, no matter the sexuality. They also think that people should have planned pregnancies. It should be the woman's choice on when she wants to have a baby or when she would like to have an abortion. The women also has the choice to their own embryotic or fetal tissue. It was interesting how they brought about abstinence. They had a comprehensive and abstinence education. They showed the pros and cons to comprehensive learning of abstinence. Comprehensive learning only shows you the false information and it just tries to scare you from having sex. While abstinence education is giving you the choice on whether or not you want to have sex and if you do, use a condom.

While Aloha Pregnancy Care showed you the spiritual side of each subject. They think that there shouldn't allow same sex marriage. They said that in the bible, God made it so that only men and women should get married, not men to men or woman to woman. They used the word of God for everyone back up to why they believe each subject should be that way and no other way. They made a good argument but it was interesting to seeing an organization that is letting you be the master of your body and then another organization saying follow the word of God.

It was a great large class and I am very thankful that I got to hear both side of each arguments.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Blogger "How to..."

Blogger: a web-based "Non-Punahou" weblog


*Google owns Blogger. Therefore, in order to use Blogger you must have a Google account…

1. Set-up a Google account: in the future, once you have a Blogger account, click on the Blogger icon on your Google account page- that will take you straight to your Blogger account 'dashboard'.

-go to
-click on "sign in" (upper right corner)
-click on "create an account now" (lower right)
-fill in the required information. Use your ePunahou email address, as well as your ePunahou password.
-choose location (US), fill in word verification, and click on "I accept"
-check your ePunahou email to complete the set-up of your Google account

2. Set-up a Blogger account: after you set up a Google account, you will be prompted on the Blogger page: to sign in. Just follow the easy steps:

-Sign up: display name, acceptance of 'Terms of Service'
-Name your blog: Blog title, Blog address (please keep names/ titles vague for privacy)
-Choose a template (you can always go back and change it later)

Blog Tools (Tabs):


Create- this is where you create an entry. You can title, label (tag), and preview it before publishing.

Edit- change or delete any posts/entries

Moderate Comment- See Settings


Basic- Here you can change the title or description of your blog. You can also alter the number of viewers by selecting 'No' under 'Add your Blog to our listings?'.

Publishing- you can change your blogʻs URL

Formatting- change time and language

Comments-change comment settings, such as who and how comments are done

Archiving- how to keep your posts

Site Feed-outside sites and feeds can be linked to your blog

Email- inform anyone through email of a new publish

Permissions- invite authors and readers to your blog (an author can automatically read, but a reader cannot automatically author)


Page Elements- this is your blog page layout. Your page will automatically have elements, but you can always add an element by clicking "add a page element". Page elements can be link lists, newsreel feeds, and/or a media file.
*this would be how to create a class blogosphere. As the teacher you could create a class page and with a "link list", be able to link to all the student blogs.

Fonts and Colors- change your blog template fonts and colors

Edit HTML- to change page elements or bring in an outside element (such as a audio file player).

Pick New Template: need a new look?

Letʻs start blogging w/ Blogger!

1. Go back to Settings, Permissions, and invite two people near you to be authors. An email invitation will be sent out. You must accept this invitation to become an author or reader on another blog.
So- check your epunahou email now!

*As you become a member of other blogs, the list on your dashboard will grow.

2. Letʻs make link lists in our blogs. Get the URL and first name of the same two people you invited as authors. Go back to Template, Add a Page Element,, if Link List is not already there. You will title your list, type in the first URL and name it with their first name. View your blog to see how it looks and check the link.

3. Create a post!