Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Balance between security and Freedom

there is a big difference between security and freedom.... freedom is something that you can stretch and do what you feel and what you want to is something that controls to much freedom...but in all cases there has to be a balance between the two or the world would be like a rollercoaster ride...the balance has to be the same on both sides so that we can be free and do what we like with the right boundaries guiding us...Security should only be there when freedom gets out of control but security should never try to out rule freedom...Freedom is something that was given to us...written in the constitution and agreed by the on the other hand was more recommended then given...Security is something that is put in malls so that are safety is ensured to the people in the mall.... but freedom was willingly given to us and for us to chose how we want to use our obviously we need security for people who think that freedom is a gift instead of a privledge...That's why we have jails so that the people who think that its a free country with no rules then thats just stupid...i think that our security is our laws...and that when you do cross those laws then the punishment you get for it is well deserved unless the punishment is too harsh...i think that the punishment should match the crime... i mean there are some people who use freedom as an excuse just to get out of someting stupid... like if you do something to someone and they dont approve and they tell you to do something and then you go "it's a free country" then that just doesnt make any sense...the security and freedom in itslef balance eachother out just becasue of the definitions are the complete opposite... i mean Freedom means to be free no restrictions...and Secutrity means the exact this is what i think that the balance between freedom and security is

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